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a note of love
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
12:36 AM
i really dunt mind spending another 10bucks catching it again :D
darnnnnnnn nice lahz

Yesterday was a blast , yes it was :D
Caught Shrek3 @ Bugis with Jinkkkkkkk
so darn last minute lah , cause my com broke down & i had nothing to do at home .
if you're wondering why im posting now , its cuz the guy fixed the com already (:

den went down to BugisStreeet to met Jt
walked around den went over to Jink's house
Stayed Over :D
darnnnnn fun lah
Cam-Whored before we slept
& played those dumb games like we used to in the past (:
Childhood bestfriends , Childhood memories , wansuiiiii ! :D

Woke up !@#$%^ early today morning
market area to buy breakfast with Jink
went back to her place and played awhileeee
AMK Hub for lunch , i love that place :DDDD !
Then went to Hospital for her checkup .

We were like lost when we got out of the Mrt
Outram is confusing >:{

Photos up another timeeeeeeee XD
me is darn lazy

Monday, June 4, 2007
7:34 AM
JiaQian is back :D
Hahhah miss going out with her lahz

Imagine getting payed for gaming
So like now i not only game cause i love it ,
but in for extra cash .
Rocks like hell lah ! (:

Lazy to post long like last time


Sunday, June 3, 2007
2:10 AM
Today marks the end of the first week of holidays .
3 more weeks left .

Ikea today ! (:
Totally rocked cause i bought alot of stufff :D
& like yayyyyyyyy , me and sis are gonna renovate our rooom
mum said we could do it anyway we want this time
so loooking forward to it manz

the wall's gonna be red or greeen
fighting with sis over it >:{

Uncle's house later
For now , it's gaming time

Saturday, June 2, 2007
3:29 AM
Anyone interested in IceCream Sales can contact me

Highly Recommended : To People that have nothing better to do @ night & to those who wanna make $$ instead of sleeping at home :D


Granado Espada

Thursday, May 31, 2007
4:53 AM
To You :

I think i've had enough of your shit (:
You know who you are , we've been fighting so much these few days
& i know you're going to see this
Friends of 3Years and you dunt know me @ alll
Yeah i admit that it's partly my fault this time
But i really dunt get what you're trying to say
What did you expect me to do ?
Act as if nothing happened ? im sorry its a NONO for me

Roystenn has a point , so what if i lose you as a friend ?
Would you even care ?

It takes so much effort to build up a friendship yet just a second to break it , how true
this applies to us
Bye (:

tsktsk . i miss my handphone

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
8:03 PM
Holidays = Growing fatter :l

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

i love donut factory , zomg :D

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket



Sherman introduced this game to me :D
so darn chio , hahah


Monday, May 28, 2007
4:47 AM
Love the late night talks
& the fun we've had together for 6years of friendship

New Friends Are Like Silver , Old Friends Are Precious Gold (:



Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Last day of schooool (:
Update today's photos another time ehh .

If I were blue, would you be there for me,
And whisper in my ears that's ok.
Would you stand by me, let me hold you tight,
And say you love me one more time.

If I feel good, would you slow dance with me,
And touch my lips with tender loving care,
Would you die for me, would you run with me,
And never look back..

Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away?

i think Redwan Ali rocks (: